Functions & Responsibilities

DSC 0374

The roles and responsibilities of the HRD Council are detailed from its purpose, goals and objectives as outlined in the previous section. The key roles and responsibilities are outlined below:

  1. Enhance strategic stakeholder mobilization and participation
  2. Align provincial priorities with national HRD initiatives
  3. Endorse and coordinate the execution of the KwaZulu-Natal Province-wide HRD Strategy
  4. Advise Government on priority interventions for HRD
  5. Advocate for the effective involvement of sectors and organizations in implementing interventions
  6. Monitor the implementation of the interventions
  7. Establish and strengthen partnerships for an expanded provincial response from all sectors
  8. Mobilize resources for the implementation of the interventions
  9. Recommend and decide on appropriate research
  10. Consider reports that are tabled by the Provincial Skills Development Forum and other relevant structures.
  11. Advocate the effective involvement of sectors and organizations in implementing interventions.
  12. Improve coordination and implementation mechanisms of the Council resolutions.


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