Category: American Literature
Pages: 354
ISBN: 978 0 141 04718 8
Year: 2010
N° catalog: 813.6 SHA

Hits: 7017

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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The style of the novel is a narrative one and although the sweet blasphemy Is really captivating the narrative of Ella somehow adds some weakness to the novel. The writer nailed it in narrating the sweet blasphemy the way it was shown from many perspectives sometimes from the perspective of shams, sometimes a beggar, sometimes zealot or Rumi or prostitute or even the family of Rumi. That really shows the picture of what was actually happening, the love of Rumi for Shams and the hatred of the townspeople and Rumi's family towards Shams. But the narrative of Ella lacks the multiple perspectives. It is just from the perspective of Ella, if it was from the point of view of Aziz or her children then the reader would have understood Ella's story more clearly.

طراحی سایت آرشاوببهینه سازی سایتسفارش سئوسفارش طراحی سایتخرید بک لینکخرید هاستخرید سرور مجازیقیمت طراحی سایتپیش فاکتور