Category: Social Sciences
Pages: 144
ISBN: 978 0 627 02789 5
Year: 2011
N° catalog: 300.722 RUL

Hits: 5231

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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Case study is a popular approach that allows researchers to develop and present an in-depth view of a particular situation, event or entity. But developing a rich case study, with the texture, detail and critical insight to make it valuable in its field, poses a significant challenge. Your guide to case study research serves both as a practical, step-by-step guide to conducting a case study and a critical engagement with key research issues involving case study. The title provides both practical and theoretical perspectives and draws on African examples to illustrate the approach. It includes practical activities to help develop and apply skills. Contents include: Understanding case study (definitions, types, strengths and limitations); developing a focus; dealing with context and generating questions; data gathering methods and strategies of data analysis and interpretation; addressing issues of power, ethics, trustworthiness and generalisability. Your guide to case study research will be of value to researchers, academics and research students in the social sciences and education.

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