Category: Social Sciences
Pages: 470
ISBN: 978 1 4462 6015 9
Year: 2013
N° catalog: 300.72 SIL

Hits: 4980

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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In the fourth edition of his best-selling textbook, David Silverman provides a step-by-step guide to planning and conducting qualitative research. Using real examples from real postgraduate students, the book makes it easy to link theory to methods and shows how to move from understanding the principles of qualitative research to doing it yourself.

طراحی سایت آرشاوببهینه سازی سایتسفارش سئوسفارش طراحی سایتخرید بک لینکخرید هاستخرید سرور مجازیقیمت طراحی سایتپیش فاکتور