Category: LAW
Pages: 177
ISBN: 978 48510 816 0
Year: 2015
N° catalog: 342.0858 DES

Hits: 6424

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) has introduced a comprehensive set of principles which will govern the collection, use, storage, transfer, sharing and destruction of personal information. The reach of the Act is wide as it will apply to all businesses and the State. A Guide to the Protection of Personal Information Act provides clear and practical advice on how to interpret POPI and how to apply it in any organisation. The book analyses POPI principles, introduces rules of thumb and checklists explaining the practical application of the Act, and answers frequently asked questions. The POPI Act is included in the book for ease of reference.

طراحی سایت آرشاوببهینه سازی سایتسفارش سئوسفارش طراحی سایتخرید بک لینکخرید هاستخرید سرور مجازیقیمت طراحی سایتپیش فاکتور