Category: Economics
Pages: 662
ISBN: 978 0 19 904931 8
Year: 2014
N° catalog: 331.0968 LAB

Hits: 5202

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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Labour Relations in South Africa provides a thorough and engaging introduction to the science and practice of labour relations in South Africa. The fifth edition presents a more critical and reflective approach, engaging with the various issues, shifts, and seismic events that have impacted this dynamic field in recent years. The text has been expanded to encompass a multifaceted perspective relating to business, science, law, economics, and sociology, and to focus more specifically on the context and dynamics of a developing country.

طراحی سایت آرشاوببهینه سازی سایتسفارش سئوسفارش طراحی سایتخرید بک لینکخرید هاستخرید سرور مجازیقیمت طراحی سایتپیش فاکتور