Category: Computer science, knowledge and systems
Pages: 386
ISBN: 978 1 4625 1797 8
Year: 2016
N° catalog: 001.42 YIN

Hits: 5791

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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focus was to provide a guidebook to the novice qualitative researcher about the process of conceptualizing, designing and conducting a qualitative research project. Yin described the book as “practical,” “inductive,” and “adaptive” (p. v -vi). Combining these approaches allowed the reader to think critically about their own paradigm of research, and to “adapt” Yin’s approach as presented to fit the needs of the researcher’s own project. Yin divided his book into four sections, three of which are fairly common to methodological books. Section one refers to understanding qualitative research; section two is on doing qualitative research; and, section three describes how to present the results from qualitative research.

طراحی سایت آرشاوببهینه سازی سایتسفارش سئوسفارش طراحی سایتخرید بک لینکخرید هاستخرید سرور مجازیقیمت طراحی سایتپیش فاکتور