Category: Recreational and Performing Arts
Pages: 268
ISBN: 978 0 06 196058 1
Year: 2009
N° catalog: 791.4502 STE

Hits: 9149

Lent status: Available

Availability: 1/1

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'My Journey with Farrah: A Story of Life, Love and Friendship' is an intimate portrait of a woman battling for life. The woman happens to be seventies sex symbol and pop culture icon Farrah Fawcett but, as the book shows, she saw herself as simply another cancer patient and did what she could to inspire others fighting similar battles. In My Journey with Farrah, Farrah Fawcett’s long-time friend Alana Stewart shares her personal diaries from her three years by Farrah’s side, during the former Charlie’s Angels actress’s tragic struggle to defeat cancer. A celebration of an incredible bond, the power of Farrah’s indomitable spirit, and poignant memories from their thirty years together, My Journey with Farrah is a tribute to an amazing woman and an amazing friendship.

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